Employee Financial Wellness Program
Prices are higher, more have higher credit card debt, and employee financial stress is on the rise. Research shows that 57% of employees stated finances are the top cause of stress. 80% of employees believe their employer should help. Our financial wellness program can help.
- No contract, simple sign up
- Easy implementation
- High potential ROI
- Enticing prizes for high engagement
The Employee Financial Wellness Program Will
- Lower employee stress,
- Increase productivity,
- Increase company morale
- Keep your employees motivated, accountable, and most importantly making progress
The W.I.S.E. Financial Fitness Employee Financial Wellness Program Will Provide:
- Financial assessment – W.I.S.E. Score
- Custom financial plan – W.I.S.E. Lifestyle Strategy
- Personalized financial coaching
- Money management tools
- Cash flow planner
- Calculators
- Education – courses and protocols
- Cash prizes for progress
Startup and Implementation are Easy. We Provide:
- Digital advertising materials such as email copy, poster printables, and brochure printables.
- Online portal that gives employees 24/7 access to financial literacy courses and resources.
- Getting started email sequence that can be tweaked for your employees.
- Virtual live workshops that employees across the country or globe can attend.
- Quarterly incentives such as challenges and cash prizes to increase engagement and results. You don’t have to set these up. They are intrinsic parts of the program that are planned, funded, and executed by us.
What’s the Difference Between Financial Wellness Programs, Benefits, and Perks
Financial wellness is more than just a buzzword. It’s a necessity. Businesses across industries recognize that employees’ financial well-being directly impacts productivity, satisfaction, and retention.…
Comparison of Financial Wellness Programs: WISE Financial Fitness vs. Smart Dollar vs. Enrich vs. Your Money Line
Multiple studies and surveys have all shown the same thing. Employees are stressed about finances. Whether they are earning minimum wage or well over six…
What is Financial Wellness?
What is Financial Wellness? Financial wellness is an individual’s financial knowledge, stability, security and level of financial stress. It’s about their ability to manage money…
W.I.S.E. Money Series Excerpt

Get a sense of what type of topics and communications are sent to members.
This is an excerpt of a 30 day daily email series conducted for Financial Literacy Month this year.
Demo Video – Sneak Peek
Financial stress affects employee health and productivity.
The Financial Education for Today’s Workforce 2016 Survey results showed that employees are stressed due to:
- Debt (66%)
- Saving for retirement (60 %)
- Saving for children’s education (51%)
- Household expenses (48%)
- Medical expenses (36%)
80% of employers stated that their employees revealed that financial stress negatively affected their job performance.
34% of employees contributed some absences to health problems resulting from financial stress.
WISE Financial Fitness provides the financial knowledge but importantly tools, accountability, and enticing incentives to encourage sustained better financial behavior and results.
80% of employers stated that their employees revealed that financial stress negatively affected their job performance. 34% of employees contributed some absences to health problems resulting from financial stress.
- Less than 30% of Americans are offered finance education and it shows.
- Only 50% of Americans have money left over after paying monthly bills.
- 41% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
- 60% of Americans are unable to grow their savings.